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Please note: some of the following files contain post-publication changes and updates; some of the links to older conferences may be broken
Journal papers
- F. Simonetta, F. Avanzini, and S. Ntalampiras. A perceptual measure for evaluating the resynthesis of automatic music transcriptions. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81(22):32371–32391, Apr. 2022 [pdf]
- D. Bianchi, F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, L. A. Ludovico, and G. Presti. A gpu-oriented application programming interface for digital audio workstations. IEEE Trans. Parallel and Distributed Computing, 33(8):1924–1938, Aug. 2022. [pdf]
- G. Presti, D. Ahmetovic, M. Ducci, C. Bernareggi, L. A. Ludovico, A. Baratè, F. Avanzini, and S. Mascetti. Iterative design of sonification techniques to support people with visual impairments in obstacle avoidance. ACM Trans. Accessible Computing, 14(4):1–27, Dec. 2021. [pdf]
- N. Davanzo and F. Avanzini. Hands-free accessible digital musical instrumen ts: Conceptual framework, challenges, and perspectives. IEEE Access, 8:163975-163995, Aug. 2020. [pdf]
- S. Serafin, F. Avanzini, A. de Götzen, C. Erkut, M. Geronazzo, F. Grani, N. C. Nilsson, and R. Nordahl. Reflections from five years of sonic interactions in virtual environments workshops. J. New Music Res., 49(1):24–34, Jan. 2020. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, F. Avanzini, F. Fontana, and S. Serafin. Editorial - interactions in mobile sound and music computing. Wireless Comm. and Mobile Comp., 2019:1–2, Dec. 2019. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, G. Haus, L. A. Ludovico, S. Ntalampiras, and G. Presti. Sound and music computing in higher education. Int. J. on Music Sci. Tech. Art, 1(1):24–30, 2019. [pdf]
- S. Papetti, F. Avanzini, and F. Fontana. Design and application of the BiVib audio-tactile piano sample library. Appl. Sci., 2019(9):1–15, Mar. 2019. Paper no. 914. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, E. Peruch, F. Prandoni, and F. Avanzini. Applying a single-notch metric to image-guided Head-related Transfer Function selection for improved vertical localization. J. Audio Eng. Soc., 67(6):414–428, June 2019. [pdf]
- E. Degli Innocenti, M. Geronazzo, D. Vescovi, R. Nordahl, S. Serafin, L. A. Ludovico, and F. Avanzini. Mobile virtual reality for musical genre learning in primary education. Computers & Education, 139:102–117, May 2019. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, L. A. Ludovico, and A. Baratè. 3D printing in preschool music education: Opportunities and challenges. QWERTY, 14(1):71–92, July 2019. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, S. Spagnol, and F. Avanzini. Do we need individual head-related transfer functions for vertical localization? the case study of a spectral notch distance metric. IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process., 26(7):1243–1256, July 2018. [pdf]
- F. Fontana, S. Papetti, H. Järveläinen, and F. Avanzini. Detection of keyboard vibrations and effects on perceived piano quality. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 142(5):2953–2967, Nov. 2017. [pdf]
- S. Spagnol, R. Hoffmann, F. Avanzini, and A. Kristjansson. Effects of stim lus order on auditory distance discrimination of virtual nearby sound sources. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 141(4):EL375-EL380, Apr. 2017. [pdf]
- S. Spagnol, E. Tavazzi, and F. Avanzini. Distance rendering and perception of earby virtual sound sources with a near-field filter model. Applied Acoustics, 115:61-73, Jan. 2017 [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, F. Avanzini, and F. Fontana. Auditory navigation with a tubular acoustic model for interactive distance cues and personalized head-related transfer functions. J. Multimodal User Interfaces, 10(3):273-284, Sep. 2016. [pdf]
- S. Prepelita, M. Geronazzo, F. Avanzini, and L. Savioja. Influence of voxelization on finite difference time domain simulations of head-related transfer functions. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 139(5):2489-2504, May 2016. [pdf]
- Y. Cao, B. L. Giordano, F. Avanzini, and S. McAdams. The dominance of haptics over audition in controlling wrist velocity during striking movements. Exp. Brain Res., 234(4):1145-1158, Apr. 2016. [pdf]
- L. Turchet, S. Spagnol, M. Geronazzo, and F. Avanzini. Localization of self-generated synthetic footstep sounds on different walked-upon materials through headphones. Virtual Reality, 20(1):1-16, Mar. 2016. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, A. Bedin, L. Brayda, C. Campus, and F. Avanzini. Interactive spatial sonification for non-visual exploration of virtual maps. Int. J. Human-Computer Studies, 85:4-15, Jan. 2016. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, M. Grassi, and F. Avanzini. Absence of modulatory action on haptic height perception with musical pitch. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:1-11, Sep. 2015. Article 1369. [pdf]
- S. Spagnol, M. Geronazzo, D. Rocchesso, and F. Avanzini. Synthetic individual binaural audio delivery by pinna image processing. Int. J. of Pervasive Computing and Communications, 10(3):239-254, July 2014. [pdf]
- G. Rosati, A. Rodà, F. Avanzini, and S. Masiero. On the role of auditory feedback in robot-assisted movement training after stroke: Review of the literature. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2013:1-16, Dec. 2013. [pdf]
- S. Spagnol, M. Geronazzo, and F. Avanzini. On the relation between pinna reflection patterns and head-related transfer function features. IEEE Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process., 21(3):508-519, Mar. 2013. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, G. De Poli, and D. Rocchesso. Preface: Special issue on creativity rethinks science. J. New Music Res., 41(4):295-297, Dec. 2012. [pdf]
- G. Rosati, F. Oscari, S. Spagnol, F. Avanzini, and S. Masiero. Effect of task-related continuous auditory feedback during learning of tracking motion exercises. J. Neuroeng. Rehabil., 9(79):1-13, 2012. [pdf]
- F. Oscari, R. Secoli, F. Avanzini, G. Rosati, and D. Reinkensmeyer. Substituting auditory for visual feedback to adapt to altered dynamic and kinematic environments during reaching. Exp. Brain Res., 221(1):33-41, Aug. 2012. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, R. Marogna, and B. Bank. Efficient synthesis of tension modulation in strings and membranes based on energy estimation. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 131(1):897-206, Jan. 2012. [pdf] [Audio examples].
- S. Papetti, F. Avanzini, and D. Rocchesso. Numerical methods for a non-linear impact model: a comparative study with closed-form corrections. IEEE Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process., 19(7):2146-2158, Sept. 2011. [pdf]
- K. Petrini, F. E. Pollick, S. Dahl, P. McAleer, L. McKay, D. Rocchesso, C. H. Waadeland, S. Love, F. Avanzini, and A. Puce. Action expertise reduces brain activity for audiovisual matching actions: an fMRI study with expert drummers. Neuroimage, 56(3):1480-1492, June 2011. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini and R. Marogna. A modular physically-based approach to the sound synthesis of membrane percussion instruments. IEEE Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process., 18(4):891-902, Apr. 2010. [pdf] [Audio examples].
- K. Petrini, S. Dahl, D. Rocchesso, C. H. Waadeland, F. Avanzini, A. Puce, and F. Pollick. Multisensory integration of drumming actions: musical expertise affects perceived audiovisual asynchrony. Exp. Brain Res., 198(2-3):339-352, Sep. 2009. [pdf]
- F. Fontana and F. Avanzini. Computation of delay-free nonlinear digital filter networks. Application to chaotic circuits and intracellular signal transduction. IEEE Trans. Sig. Process., 56(10):4703-4715, Oct. 2008. [pdf]
- B. L. Giordano, S. Mcadams, P. Crosato, F. Avanzini, C. Casciato, S. Sinclair, and M. M. Wanderley. Action-based multisensory integration in striking events. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123(5):1378, May 2008. [Abstract] [pdf]
- F. Avanzini. Simulation of vocal fold oscillation with a pseudo-one-mass physical model. Speech Communication, 50(2):95-108, Feb. 2008. [pdf]
- M. Leman, F. Avanzini, A. de Cheveigné, and E. Bigand. The societal contexts for sound and music computing: research, education, industry, and socio-culture. Journal of New Music Research, 36(3):149-167, Sep. 2007. [pdf]
- F. Pollick, K. Petrini, M. Russell, D. Rocchesso, C. H. Waadeland, S. Dahl, and F. Avanzini. Effects of musical expertise on perceived audiovisual synchrony. Perception, 36(ECVP Abstract Supplement):171-172, Aug. 2007. [Abstract].
- S. Love, J. M. Hillis, C. Waadeland, D. Rocchesso, F. Avanzini, S. Dahl, and F. E. Pollick. How audio and visual cues combine to discriminate tempo of swing groove drumming. J. of Vision, 7(9):870, 2007. [Abstract].
- M. Russell, K. Petrini, P. McAleer, D. Rocchesso, S. Dahl, C. H. Waadeland, F. Avanzini, and F. Pollick. Audiovisual congruence and the processing of synchrony in swing groove drumming. J. of Vision, 7(9):874, 2007. [Abstract].
- M. van Walstijn and F. Avanzini. Modelling the mechanical response of the reed-mouthpiece-lip system of a clarinet. Part II. A lumped model approximation. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 93(3):435-446, May 2007. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, S. Maratea, and C. Drioli. Physiological control of low-dimensional glottal models with applications to voice source parameter matching. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 92(Suppl.1):731-740, Sep. 2006. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini and P. Crosato. Integrating physically-based sound models in a multimodal rendering architecture. Comp. Anim. Virtual Worlds, 17(3-4):411-419, July 2006. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, S. Serafin, and D. Rocchesso. Interactive Simulation of Rigid Body Interaction With Friction-Induced Sound Generation, IEEE Tr. Speech and Audio Processing, 13(5.2):1073-1081, Nov. 2005. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, D. Rocchesso, A. Dal Palu', A. Dovier, and A. Belussi. Designing an Urban-Scale Auditory Alert System, IEEE Computer, 37(9):55-61, Sep. 2004. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini and M. van Walstijn. Modelling the Mechanical Response of the Reedmouthpiece- lip System of a Clarinet. Part I. A One-Dimensional Distributed Model. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 90(3):537-547, May 2004. [pdf]
- B. Bank, F. Avanzini, G. Borin, G. De Poli, F. Fontana, and D. Rocchesso, Physically Informed Signal-Processing Methods for Piano Sound Synthesis: a Research Overview, J. Applied Signal Process. 2003(10):941-952, 2003. [pdf]
- C. Drioli and F. Avanzini, Hybrid parametric-physiological glottal modelling with application to voice quality, Medical Engineering and Physics 24(7-8):453-460, Sep. 2002. [pdf]
- M. Kahrs and F. Avanzini. Computer synthesis of bird songs and calls. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 111(5):2392, May 2002. [Abstract].
- F. Avanzini and D. Rocchesso, Efficiency, accuracy, and stability issues in discrete time simulations of single reed instruments, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111(5):2293-2301, May 2002. [pdf] [Audio examples].
Edited works
- S. Serafin, F. Avanzini, I. Barbacho, and L. Tardon, editors. Sound and Music Computing - Music and Interaction, volume 9-10 of Appl. Sci., 2020. Special Issue.
- M. Geronazzo, F. Avanzini, F. Fontana, and S. Serafin, editors. Interactions in Mobile Sound and Music Computing, volume 2019 of Wireless Comm. and Mobile Comp., Dec. 2019. Special Issue.
- M. Geronazzo, S. Serafin, C. Erkut, F. Grani, F. Avanzini, and N. C. Nilsson, editors. Proceedings of the IEEE 4th VR Workshop on Sonic Interactions for Virtual Environments (SIVE2018), Reutlingen, Mar. 2018. IEEE Computer Society Press. [pdf]
- S. Serafin, R. Nordahl, A. de Götzen, C. Erkut, N. C. Nilsson, F. Grani, F. Avanzini, and M. Geronazzo, editors. Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd VR Workshop on Sonic Interactions for Virtual Environments (SIVE2017), Los Angeles, Mar. 2017. IEEE Computer Society Press. [pdf]
- S. Serafin, F. Avanzini, M. Geronazzo, C. Erkut, A. de Götzen, and R. Nordahl, editors. Proceedings of the IEEE 2nd VR Workshop on Sonic Interactions for Virtual Environments (SIVE2015), Arles, Mar. 2015. IEEE Computer Society Press. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, G. De Poli, and D. Rocchesso, editors. Creativity rethinks science, volume 41(4) of J. New Music Res., Dec. 2012. Special issue.
- S. Zanolla, F. Avanzini, S. Canazza, and A. D. Götzen, editors. Proceedings of the 8th Sound and Music Computing Conference, 2011. [pdf]
Book chapters
- F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, M. Cottini, L. A. Ludovico, and M. Mandanici. Learning tonal harmony through augmented reality: Bridging the gap between music embodiment and digital experiences. In CHIRA 2020: Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications, Communications in Computer and Information Science 1609, pages 54–73. Springer, Dec. 2022. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini. Procedural modeling of interactive sound sources in virtual reality. In M. Geronazzo and S. Serafin, editors, Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments, chapter 2, pages 49–76. Springer International Publishing, 2022. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, L. A. Ludovico, and M. Mandanici. A web platform to foster and assess tonal harmony awareness. In H. C. Lane, S. Zvacek, and J. Uhomoibhi, editors, Computer Supported Education, Communications in Computer and Information Science 1220, pages 398417. Springer Verlag, 2020. [pdf]
- N. Davanzo and F. Avanzini. Experimental evaluation of three interaction channels for accessible digital musical instruments. In Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12377/2020, pages 437-445. Springer Verlag, Sep. 2020. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, G. Haus, L. A. Ludovico, and S. Ntalampiras. Preservation and promotion of opera cultural heritage: The experience of La Scala theatre. In Culture and Computing. HCII 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12215/2020, pages 325-337. Springer Verlag, July 2020. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, L. A. Ludovico, and M. Mandanici. A multidimensional taxonomy of digital learning materials for music education. In L. Daniela, editor, Pedagogies of Digital Learning in Higher Education, chapter 5, pages 88-103. Routledge, London, 2020. [pdf]
- F. Fontana, S. Papetti, H. Järveläinen, F. Avanzini, and B. L. Giordano. Perception of vibrotactile cues in musical performance. In S. Papetti and C. Saitis, editors, Musical Haptics, chapter 4, pages 49–72. Springer Verlag, May 2018. [pdf]
- S. Papetti, M. Fröhlich, F. Fontana, S. Schiesser, and F. Avanzini. Implementation and characterization of vibrotactile interfaces. In S. Papetti and C. Saitis, editors, Musical Haptics, chapter 13, pages 257–282. Springer Verlag, May 2018. [pdf]
- B. Giordano and F. Avanzini. Perception and synthesis of sound-generating materials. In M. D. Luca, editor, Multisensory Softness, chapter 4, pages 49-84. Springer Verlag, London, Sep. 2014. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, S. Spagnol, A. de Götzen, and A. Rodà. Designing interactive sound for motor rehabilitation tasks. In S. Serafin and K. Franinovic, editors, Sonic Interaction Design, chapter 12, pages 273-283. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, Mar. 2013. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini and S. Canazza. Virtual analogue instruments: an approach to active preservation of the studio di fonologia musicale. In M. Novati and J. Dack, editors, The Studio di Fonologia - A Musical Journey, pages 89-108. Ricordi (MGB Hal Leonard), Milano, June 2012. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini. Interactive sound. In D. Rocchesso and P. Polotti, editors, Sound to Sense, Sense to Sound. A State of the Art in Sound and Music Computing. Logos Verlag, Berlin, 2008. [pdf]
- A. de Götzen, L. Mion, F. Avanzini, and S. Serafin. Multimodal design for enactive toys. In K. Jensen, editor, Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval. Sense of Sounds, pages 212-222. LNCS 4969/2008, Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2008. [pdf]
- A. De Götzen and F. Avanzini. Illusions, auditory. In A. Luciani and C. Cadoz, editors, Enaction and Enactive Interface: a Handbook of Terms, pages 144-146. Enactive Systems Books, Grenoble, 2007. [www]
- M. Leman, F. Avanzini, A. de Cheveigné, and E. Bigand. Contexts. In N. Bernardini, X. Serra, M. Leman, G. Widmer, and G. De Poli, editors, A Roadmap for Sound and Music Computing, chapter 3, pages 17-47. Creative Commons, 2007. [pdf on smcnetwork]
- F. Avanzini and P. Crosato. Haptic-auditory rendering and perception of contact stiffness. In D. Mc- Gookin and S. Brewster, editors, Haptic and audio interaction design, pages 24-35. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4129/2006, Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2006. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, M. Rath, and D. Rocchesso. Low-level sound models: resonators, interactions, surface textures. In D. Rocchesso and F. Fontana, editors, The Sounding Object, pp. 119-148 (2003). Freely distributed under the GNU Free Documentation License, [pdf]
- L. Ottaviani, D. Rocchesso, F. Fontana, and F. Avanzini. Size, shape, and material properties of sound models. In D. Rocchesso and F. Fontana, editors, The Sounding Object, pp. 81-94 (2003). Freely distributed under the GNU Free Documentation License, [pdf]
Conference papers
Conference papers - 2022
- R. Bona, D. Fantini, G. Presti, M. Tiraboschi, J. I. E. Alonso-Martinez, and F. Avanzini. Automatic parameters tuning of late reverberation algorithms for audio augmented reality. In Proc. Int. Conf. Audio Mostly (AM’22), pages 36–43, St. Pölten, Sep. 2022. [pdf]
- F. Simonetta, S. Ntalampiras, and F. Avanzini. Acoustics-specific piano velocity estimation. In Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP’22), Shanghai, Sep. 2022. [pdf]
- N. Davanzo and F. Avanzini. Design concepts for gaze-based digital musical instruments. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC2022), pages 472–478, St. Etienne, June 2022. [pdf]
- C. Rossi, G. Presti, and F. Avanzini. Delia: A noise-based virtual synthesizer. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC2022), pages 41–45, June 2022. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2021
- F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, L. A. Ludovico, and M. Mandanici. Songs in music education: Design and early experimentation of a web tool for the recognition of harmonic changes. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU2021), pages 709–720, Online Streaming, Apr. 2021. [pdf]
- M. Tiraboschi, F. Avanzini, and G. Boccignone. Listen to your mind’s (he)art: A system for affective music generation via brain-computer interface. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC2021), pages 146–153, Torino, June 2021. [pdf]
- G. Presti, F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, L. A. Ludovico, and D. A. Mauro. Ruffle: A user-controllable music shuffling algorithm. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC2021), pages 207–214, Torino, June 2021. [pdf]
- R. Barumerli, P. Majdak, R. Baumgartner, M. Geronazzo, and F. Avanzini. Modeling sound localization within the framework of bayesian inference. In Proc. German Conference on Acoustics (DAGA21), Vienna, Aug. 2021. [Abstract].
- D. Fantini, F. Avanzini, S. Ntalampiras, and G. Presti. HRTF individualization based on anthropometric measurements extracted from 3D head meshes. In Proc. Int. Conf. Immersive and 3D Audio (I3DA), Bologna, Sep. 2021. IEEE. [pdf]
- G. Presti, D. Adriano, F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, and L. A. Ludovico. Phonharp: A hybrid digital-physical musical instrument for mobile phones exploiting the vocal tract. In Proc. Int. Conf. Audio Mostly (AM’21), pages 276–279, Trento, Sep. 2021. ACM. [pdf]
- N. Davanzo and F. Avanzini. Resin: a vocal tract resonances and head based accessible digital musical instrument. In Proc. Int. Conf. Audio Mostly (AM’21), pages 280–283, Trento, Sep. 2021. ACM. [pdf]
- F. Simonetta, S. Ntalampiras, and F. Avanzini. Audio-to-score alignment using deep automatic music transcription. In Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop Multimedia Sig. Process (MMSP2021), Tampere, Oct. 2021.
- N. Davanzo, M. De Filippis, and F. Avanzini. Netychords: an accessible digital musical instrument for playing chords using gaze and head movements. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA2021), pages 202–209, Valletta, Oct. 2021. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2020
- R. Barumerli, P. Majdak, R. Baumgartner, M. Geronazzo, and F. Avanzini. Evaluation of a human sound localization model based on Bayesian inference. In Proc. Int. Conf. Forum Acusticum, pages 1919-1923 Lyon, Dec. 2020. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, M. Cottini, L. A. Ludovico, and M. Mandanici. Developing music harmony awareness in young students through an augmented reality approach. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA2020), pages 56-63, Budapest, Nov. 2020 [pdf]
- N. Davanzo and F. Avanzini. A dimension space for the evaluation of accessible digital musical instruments. In Proc. Int. Conf. on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME20), pages 214-220, Birmingham, July 2020. [pdf]
- D. A. Mauro, F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, L. A. Ludovico, S. Ntalampiras, S. Dimitrov, and S. Serafin. Sixteen years of Sound and Music Computing: A look into the history and trends of the conference and community. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC2020), pages 3-10, Torino, June 2020. [pdf]
- F. Simonetta, S. Ntalampiras, and F. Avanzini. ASMD: an automatic framework for compiling multimodal datasets with audio and scores. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC2020), pages 40-46, Torino, June 2020. [pdf]
- M. Tiraboschi, F. Avanzini, and S. Ntalampiras. Spectral analysis for modal parameters linear estimate. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC2020), pages 276-283, Torino, June 2020. [pdf]
- N. Davanzo and F. Avanzini. A method for learning Netytar: an accessible digital musical instrument. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU2020), volume 1, pages 620-628, Prague, May 2020. [pdf]
- R. Barumerli, P. Majdak, J. Reijniers, R. Baumgartner, M. Geronazzo, and F. Avanzini. Predicting directional sound-localization of human listeners in both horizontal and vertical dimensions. In Proc. Audio Engin. Soc. Convention 148, Vienna, May 2020. Paper no. 10360. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2019
- F. Avanzini and L. A. Ludovico. Multilayer music representation and processing: Key advances and emerging trends. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Multilayer Music Representation and Processing (MMRP2019), pages 1–4, MIlano, Jan. 2019. [pdf]
- F. Simonetta, S. Ntalampiras, and F. Avanzini. Multimodal music information processing and retrieval: Survey and future challenges. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Multilayer Music Representation and Processing (MMRP2019), pages 10–18, Milano, Jan. 2019. [pdf]
- D. Ahmetovic, F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, C. Bernareggi, G. Galimberti, L. A. Ludovico, S. Mascetti, and G. Presti. Sonification of rotation instructions to support navigation of people with visual impairment. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2019), pages 332–341, Kyoto, Mar. 2019. [pdf]
- M. Mandanici, A. Baratè, L. A. Ludovico, and F. Avanzini. A computer-based approach to teach tonal harmony to young students. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU19), pages 271–279, Heraklion, July 2019. [pdf]
- M. Mandanici, L. A. Ludovico, F. Avanzini, and A. Baratè. Learning tonal harmony through bodily interactions and gamification. In L. Nijs, H. Van Regenmortel, and C. Arculus, editors, Proc. Int. Conf. Music Educators and Researchers of Young Children (MERYC19), pages 237–246, Ghent, Mar. 2019. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, L. A. Ludovico, A. Baratè, and M. Mandanici. Metrics for the automatic assessment of music harmony awareness in children. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC2019), pages 372–379, Malaga, May 2019. [pdf]
- S. Ntalampiras, F. Avanzini, and L. A. Ludovico. Fusing acoustic and electroencephalographic modalities for user-independent emotion prediction. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Cognitive Computing (ICCC2019), pages 36–41, Milano, July 2019. [pdf]
- R. Barumerli, A. Almenari, M. Geronazzo, G. M. Di Nunzio, and F. Avanzini. Auditory models comparison for horizontal localization of concurrent speakers in adverse acoustic scenarios. In Proc. Int. Congr. on Acoustics (ICA2019), pages 7651–7658, Aachen, Sep. 2019. Winner: Best Paper and Presentation Award. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, R. Barumerli, and F. Avanzini. On the evaluation of head-related transfer functions with probabilistic auditory models of human sound localization. In Proc. Int. Congr. on Acoustics (ICA2019), pages 2190–2196, Aachen, Sep. 2019. [pdf]
- G. Presti, D. Ahmetovic, M. Ducci, C. Bernareggi, L. A. Ludovico, A. Baratè, F. Avanzini, and S. Mascetti. Watchout: Obstacle sonification for people with visual impairment or blindness. In Proc. Int. ACM SIGACCESS Conf. on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS'19), pages 402–413, Pittsburgh, Oct. 2019. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2018
- R. Barumerli, M. Geronazzo, and F. Avanzini. Round robin comparison of inter-laboratory HRTF measurements - Assessment with an auditory model for elevation. In Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Sonic Interactions for Virtual Environments (SIVE2018), Berlin, Mar. 2018. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, G. Haus, L. A. Ludovico, S. Ntalampiras, and G. Presti. Perspectives in education for sound and music computing. In Proc. Int. Conf. on New Music Concepts (ICNMC 2018), pages 11–27, Treviso, Mar. 2018. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, J. Kleimola, E. Sikström, A. de Götzen, S. Serafin, and F. Avanzini. HOBA-VR: HRTF On Demand for Binaural Audio in immersive virtual reality environments. In Proc. Audio Engin. Soc. Convention, Milano, May 2018. e-Brief 433. [pdf]
- F. Fontana, F. Avanzini, and S. Papetti. Evidence of lateralization cues in grand and upright piano sounds. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC2018), pages 80–84, Limassol, July 2018. [pdf]
- E. Sikström, M. Geronazzo, J. Kleimola, F. Avanzini, A. de Götzen, and S. Serafin. Virtual reality exploration with different head-related transfer functions. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC2018), pages 85–92, Limassol, July 2018. [pdf]
- S. Papetti, F. Avanzini, and F. Fontana. BIVIB: A multimodal piano sample library of binaural sounds and keyboard vibrations. In Proc. Int. Conf. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx18), pages 237–243, Aveiro, Sep. 2018. [pdf]
- R. Simionato, J. Liski, V. Välimäki, and F. Avanzini. A virtual tube delay effect. In Proc. Int. Conf. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx18), pages 361–368, Aveiro, Sep. 2018. [pdf]
- R. Barumerli, M. Geronazzo, and F. Avanzini. Localization in elevation with non-individual head-related transfer functions: Comparing predictions of two auditory models. In Proc. European Sig. Process. Conf. (EUSIPCO2018), pages 2539–2543, Rome, Sep. 2018. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, E. Sikström, J. Kleimola, F. Avanzini, A. de Götzen, and S. Serafin. The impact of a good vertical localization with hrtf in short virtual reality explorations. In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2018), pages 90–97, Munich, Oct. 2018. [pdf]
- D. Ahmetovic, F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, C. Bernareggi, G. Galimberti, L. A. Ludovico, S. Mascetti, and G. Presti. Sonification of pathways for people with visual impairments. In Proc. Int. ACM SIGACCESS Conf. on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS’18), pages 379–381, Galway, Oct. 2018. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, A. Baratè, G. Haus, L. A. Ludovico, D. A. Mauro, S. Ntalampiras, and G. Presti. Quale futuro per il formato IEEE 1599? In Proc. Colloquium on Musical Informatics (XXII CIM), pages 115–121, Udine, Nov. 2018. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, R. Nordhal, S. Serafin, E. D. Innocenti, D. Vescovi, and F. Avanzini. Tecnologie per la didattica musicale: un'esperienza con la realtà virtuale. In Proc. Colloquium on Musical Informatics (XXII CIM), pages 144–151, Udine, Nov. 2018 [pdf]
Conference papers - 2017
- F. Fontana, D. Scappin, F. Avanzini, M. Bernardi, D. Bianco, and G. Klauer. Auditory, visual and somatosensory localization of piano tones: A preliminary study. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC17), pages 254–260, Espoo, July 2017. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, F. Prandoni, E. Peruch, and F. Avanzini. Improving elevation perception with a tool for image-guided Head-Related Transfer Function selection. In Proc. Int. Conf. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx17), pages 397–404, Edinburgh, Sep. 2017. Winner: Third Best Paper Award. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2016
- F. Avanzini, S. Canazza, G. D. Poli, C. Fantozzi, E. Micheloni, N. Pretto, A. Rodà, S. Gasparotto, and G. Salemi. Virtual reconstruction of an ancient greek pan flute. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC2016), pages 41-46, Hamburg, 2016. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, J. Fantin, G. Sorato, G. Baldovino, and F. Avanzini. The selfear project: a mobile application for low-cost pinna-related transfer function acquisition. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC2016), pages 164-171, Hamburg, Sep. 2016. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, J. Fantin, G. Sorato, G. Baldovino, and F. Avanzini. Acoustic selfies for extraction of external ear features in mobile audio augmented reality. In Proc. ACM Symp. on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST16), pages 23-26, Munchen, Nov. 2016. ACM. [pdf]
- F. Fontana, F. Avanzini, S. Papetti, H. Järvelainen, G. Klauer, and L. Malavolta. Un prototipo di pianoforte digitale con feedback vibrotattile. In Proc. Colloquium on Musical Informatics (XXI CIM), pages 151-157, Cagliari, Oct. 2016. [pdf]
- E. Micheloni, N. Pretto, F. Avanzini, S. Canazza, and A. Rodà. Installazioni interattive per la valorizzazione di strumenti musicali antichi: il flauto di pan del museo di scienze archeologiche e d'arte dell'università degli studi di Padova. In Proc. Colloquium on Musical Informatics (XXI CIM), pages 203-208, Cagliari, Oct. 2016. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, J. Fantin, G. Sorato, G. Baldovino, and F. Avanzini. Selfie acustiche con il progetto selfear: un'applicazione mobile per l'acquisizione a basso costo di pinna-related transfer function. In Proc. Colloquium on Musical Informatics (XXI CIM), pages 143-150, Cagliari, Oct. 2016. [pdf]
- S. Spagnol, S. Galesso, and F. Avanzini. Stima di feature spettrali di HRTF mediante modelli antropometrici non lineari per la resa di audio 3D. In Proc. Colloquium on Musical Informatics (XXI CIM), pages 129-135, Cagliari, Oct. 2016. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2015
- S. Serafin, R. Nordahl, A. de Götzen, C. Erkut, M. Geronazzo, and F. Avanzini. Sonic interaction in virtual environments. In Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Sonic Interactions for Virtual Environments (SIVE2015), pages 1-2, Arles, Mar. 2015. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, A. Carraro, and F. Avanzini. Evaluating vertical localization performance of 3d sound rendering models with a perceptual metric. In Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Sonic Interaction for Virtual Environments (SIVE2015), pages 53-57, Arles, Mar. 2015. [pdf]
- S. Spagnol, S. Scaiella, M. Geronazzo, and F. Avanzini. Subjective evaluation of a low-order parametric filter model of the pinna for binaural sound rendering. In Proc. 22nd Int. Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV22), Firenze, July 2015. [pdf]
- S. Spagnol and F. Avanzini. Anthropometric tuning of a spherical head model for binaural virtual acoustics based on interaural level differences. In Proc. Int. Conf. Auditory Display (ICAD15), pages 204-209, Graz, July 2015. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, F. Avanzini, and F. Fontana. Use of personalized binaural audio and interactive distance cues in an auditory goal-reaching task. In Proc. Int. Conf. Auditory Display (ICAD15), pages 73-80, Graz, July 2015. [pdf]
- F. Fontana, F. Avanzini, H. Järveläinen, S. Papetti, G. Klauer, and L. Malavolta. Rendering and subjective evaluation of real vs. synthetic vibrotactile cues on a digital piano keyboard. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC2015), pages 161-167, Maynooth, July 2015. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, S. Canazza, G. De Poli, C. Fantozzi, N. Pretto, A. Rodà, I. Angelini, C. Bettineschi, G. Deotto, E. Faresin, A. Menegazzi, G. Molin, G. Salemi, and P. Zanovello. Archaeology and virtual acoustics. a pan flute from ancient Egypt. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC2015), pages 31-36, Maynooth, July 2015. [pdf]
- S. Spagnol and F. Avanzini. Frequency estimation of the first pinna notch in head-related transfer functions with a linear anthropometric model. In Proc. Int. Conf. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-15), pages 231-236, Trondheim, Dec. 2015. [pdf]
- S. Spagnol, E. Tavazzi, and F. Avanzini. Relative auditory distance discrimination with virtual nearby sound sources. In Proc. Int. Conf. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-15), pages 237-242, Trondheim, Dec. 2015. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2014
- M. Geronazzo, S. Spagnol, A. Bedin, and F. Avanzini. Enhancing vertical localization with image-guided selection of non-individual head-related transfer functions. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Process. (ICASSP 2014), pages 4496-4500, Firenze, May 2014. [pdf]
- S. Delle Monache and F. Avanzini. Wearable computing al servizio della scherma: un sistema vibrotattile per compensare l'informazione acustica allo schermidore sordo. In Proc. 41o Convegno Nazionale Ass. Italiana di Acustica (AIA), Pisa, June 2014. [pdf]
- F. Fontana, F. Avanzini, S. Papetti, H. Järveläinen, F. Zanini, and V. Zanini. Un esperimento sulla percezione di vibrazioni sulla tastiera del pianoforte nella performance musicale. In Proc. 41o Convegno Nazionale Ass. Italiana di Acustica (AIA), Pisa, June 2014. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, S. Spagnol, and F. Avanzini. Un nuovo approccio a modelli strutturali misti per la sintesi e la personalizzazione di HRTF. In Proc. 41o Convegno Nazionale Ass. Italiana di Acustica (AIA), Pisa, June 2014. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, A. Bedin, L. Brayda, and F. Avanzini. Multimodal exploration of virtual objects with a spatialized anchor sound. In Proc. AES 55th Conf. on Spatial Audio, Helsinki, Aug. 2014. Paper no. P-1. [pdf]
- F. Fontana, F. Avanzini, S. Papetti, H. Järveläinen, F. Zanini, and V. Zanini. Perception of interactive vibrotactile cues on the acoustic grand and upright piano. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (ICMC/SMC2014), pages 948-953, Athens, Sep. 2014. [pdf]
- S. Scaiella, S. Spagnol, M. Geronazzo, and F. Avanzini. Valutazione parametrica di un modello strutturale di orecchio esterno per il rendering binaurale del suono. In Proc. Colloquium on Musical Informatics (XXCIM), pages 47-52, Roma, Oct. 2014. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, L. Brayda, A. Bedin, and F. Avanzini. Audio 3D e ancoraggio sonoro per l'esplorazione multimodale di ambienti virtuali. In Proc. Colloquium on Musical Informatics (XXCIM), pages 107-112, Rome, Oct. 2014. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2013
- M. Geronazzo, F. Granza, S. Spagnol, and F. Avanzini. A standardized repository of head-related and headphone impulse response data. In Proc. Audio Engin. Soc. Convention 134, Rome, May 2013. AES. No. 8902. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, S. Spagnol, and F. Avanzini. A modular framework for the analysis and synthesis of head-related transfer functions. In Proc. Audio Engin. Soc. Convention 134, Rome, May 2013. AES. No. 8882. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, S. Spagnol, and F. Avanzini. Mixed structural modeling of head-related transfer functions for customized binaural audio delivery. In Proc. IEEE/EURASIP Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Process. (DSP2013), Santorini, July 2013. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, F. Avanzini, and M. Grassi. Influence of auditory pitch on haptic estimation of spatial height. In Proc. Int. Conf. Comp. Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR2013), pages 758-765, Marseille, Sep. 2013. [pdf]
- S. Spagnol, D. Rocchesso, M. Geronazzo, and F. Avanzini. Automatic extraction of pinna edges for binaural audio customization. In Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP'13), pages 301-306, Pula, Oct. 2013. [pdf]
- S. Spagnol, M. Geronazzo, D. Rocchesso, and F. Avanzini. Extraction of pinna features for customized binaural audio delivery on mobile devices. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM2013), pages 514-517, Vienna, Dec. 2013. ACM. Winner: Best Short Paper Award. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2012
- D. Zanotto, G. Rosati, F. Avanzini, P. Stegall, and S. K. Agrawal. Robot-assisted gait training with complementary auditory feedback: results on short-term motor adaptation. In Proc. IEEE RAS/EMBS Int. Conf. on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob2012), pages 1388-1393, Rome, June 2012. [pdf]
- S. Spagnol, M. Geronazzo, F. Avanzini, F. Oscari, and G. Rosati. Employing spatial sonification of target motion in tracking exercises. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC2012), pages 85-89, Copenhagen, July 2012. [pdf]
- S. Spagnol, M. Geronazzo, and F. Avanzini. Hearing distance: a low-cost model for near-field binaural effects. In Proc. European Sig. Process. Conf. (EUSIPCO2012), pages 2030-2034, Bucharest, Aug. 2012. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2011
- M. Geronazzo, S. Spagnol, and F. Avanzini. Customized 3D sound for innovative interaction design. In Proc. Italian ACM SigCHI Conf. on Computer-Human Interaction (CHItaly'2011), Alghero, Sep. 2011. [pdf]
- S. Canazza, A. Rodà, M. Novati, and F. Avanzini. Active preservation of electrophone musical instruments. the case of the "Liettizzatore" of "Studio di Fonologia Musicale" (RAI, Milano). In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC2011), pages 304-309, Padova, July 2011. Padova University Press. [pdf]
- G. Rosati, F. Oscari, D. J. Reinkensmeyer, R. Secoli, F. Avanzini, S. Spagnol, and S. Masiero. Improving robotics for neurorehabilitation: enhancing engagement, performance, and learning with auditory feedback. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Rehabil. Robotics (ICORR'11), pages 341-346, Zurich, June 2011. Top-3 finalist: Best Poster Award. [pdf]
- M. Geronazzo, S. Spagnol, and F. Avanzini. A Head-Related Transfer Function model for real-time customized 3-D sound rendering. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems (SITIS 2011), pages 174-179, Dijon, Nov. 2011. [pdf]
- S. Canazza, F. Avanzini, M. Novati, and A. Rodà. A music bar for active listeners: An example of virtual electronic lutherie for a history 50 years long. In Proc. XXVIII Colloquio di Informatica Musicale, pages 20-26, Torino, 2011. [pdf]
- E. Marchetto and F. Avanzini. Modellazione fisica della glottide e inversione acustico-articolatoria. In Proc. XXVIII Colloquio di Informatica Musicale, pages 102-106, Torino, 2011. [pdf]
- S. Spagnol, M. Geronazzo, and F. Avanzini. Structural modeling of pinna-related transfer functions for 3-D sound rendering. In Proc. XXVIII Colloquio di Informatica Musicale, pages 92-101, Torino, 2011. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2010
- S. Spagnol, M. Geronazzo, and F. Avanzini. Structural modeling of pinna-related transfer functions. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC2010), pages 422-428, Barcelona, July 2010. [pdf]
- R. Marogna, F. Avanzini, and B. Bank. Energy based synthesis of tension modulation in membranes. In Proc. Int. Conf. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-10), pages 102-108, Graz, Sep. 2010. [pdf] [Audio examples].
- M. Geronazzo, S. Spagnol, and F. Avanzini. Estimation and modeling of pinna-related transfer functions. In Proc. Int. Conf. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-10), pages 431-438, Graz, Sep. 2010. [pdf]
- S. Spagnol, M. Geronazzo, and F. Avanzini. Fitting pinna-related transfer functions to anthropometry for binaural sound rendering. In Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP'10), pages 194-199, Saint-Malo, Oct. 2010. Winner: Top 10% Paper Award. [pdf]
- B. Giordano, F. Avanzini, M. Wanderley, and S. McAdams. Multisensory integration in percussion performance. In Proc. 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Lyon, Apr. 2010. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2009
- F. Avanzini, L. Mion, and S. Spagnol. Personalized 3d sound rendering for content creation, delivery, and presentation. In Proc. Networked and Electronic Media Summit (NEM2009), pages 13-17, Saint Malo, Sep. 2009. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, A. de Götzen, S. Spagnol, and A. Rodà. Integrating auditory feedback in motor rehabilitation systems. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interfaces for Skills Transfer (SKILLS09), Bilbao, Dec. 2009. [pdf]
- B. L. Giordano, F. Avanzini, M. Wanderley, and S. McAdams. Integrating nonspatial, nontemporal multisensory information in action-based perception. In Proc. 10th Int. Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), New York, June 2009. [Abstract]
- B. L. Giordano, F. Avanzini, M. Wanderley, and S. McAdams. Multisensory integration in percussion performance. In Proc. Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Meeting (APCAM 2009), Boston, Nov. 2009. [Abstract]
- E. Marchetto, F. Avanzini and F. Flego. An automatic speaker recognition system for intelligence applications. In Proc. European Sig. Process. Conf. (EUSIPCO2009), Glasgow, Aug. 2009. [pdf]
- R. Marogna and F. Avanzini. Physically-based synthesis of nonlinear circular membranes. In Proc. Int. Conf. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-09), pages 373-379, Como, Sep. 2009. [pdf]
- S. Papetti, F. Avanzini, and D. Rocchesso. Energy and accuracy issues in numerical simulations of a non-linear impact model. In Proc. Int. Conf. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-09), pages 339-346, Como, Sep. 2009. [pdf]
- M. Romanin, E. Marchetto, and F. Avanzini. A spectral subtraction rule for real-time dsp implementation of noise reduction in speech signals. In Proc. Int. Conf. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-09), pages 235-239, Como, Sep. 2009. [pdf]
- S. Spagnol and F. Avanzini. Real-time binaural audio rendering in the near field. In Proc. Int. Conf. Sound and Music Computing (SMC 2009), pages 201-206, Porto, July 2009. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2008
- A. de Götzen, R. Marogna, and F. Avanzini. The voice painter. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Enactive Interfaces, Pisa, Nov. 2008. [pdf]
- A. de Götzen, R. Marogna, and F. Avanzini. Voice painter: un'interfaccia multimodale per dipingere con la voce. In Proc. Colloquio di Informatica Musicale, pages 29-35, Venezia, Oct. 2008. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2007
- F. Avanzini. Synthesis of environmental sounds in interactive multimodal systems. In Proc. Int. Conf. Auditory Display (ICAD07), pages 181-188, Montreal, June 2007. Invited paper. [pdf]
- A. de Götzen, L. Mion, F. Avanzini, and S. Serafin. Learning sounding gestures. In Proc. Int. Computer Music Conf. (ICMC'07), pages 375-378, Copenhagen, July 2007. [pdf]
- C. Drioli and F. Avanzini. Improved fold closure in mass-spring low-dimensional glottal models. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (MAVEBA'07), pages 51-54, Firenze, Dec. 2007. [pdf]
- E. Marchetto, F. Avanzini, and C. Drioli. Estimation of a physical model of the vocal folds via dynamic programming techniques. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (MAVEBA'07), pages 129-132, Firenze, Dec. 2007. [pdf]
- L. Mion, F. Avanzini, B. Mantel, B. Bardy, and T. A. Stoffregen. Real-time auditory-visual distance rendering for a virtual reaching task. In Proc. of the ACM Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST07), pages 179-182, Newport Beach, CA, Nov. 2007. [pdf]
- S. Serafin, H. P. Kjaer, C. Taylor, and F. Avanzini. Audio-haptic physically based simulation and perception of contact textures. In Proc. Int. Conf. Auditory Display (ICAD07), pages 203-207, Montreal, June 2007. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2006
- F. Avanzini and F. Fontana. Exact discrete-time realization of a Dolby B encoding/decoding architecture. In Proc. COST-G6 Conf. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-06), pages 297-302, Montreal, Sep. 2006. [pdf]
- B. Mantel, L. Mion, B. Bardy, F. Avanzini, and T. Stoffregen. Simulating a virtual target in depth through the invariant relation between optics, acoustics, and inertia. In Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Enactive Interfaces (ENACTIVE06), Montpellier, Nov. 2006. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2005
- F. Avanzini, F. Fontana, and D. Rocchesso. Efficient computation of nonlinear filter networks with delay-free loops and applications to physically-based sound models, Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Multidimensional Systems (NDS 2005), Wuppertal, July 10-13 2005, pp. 110-115 [pdf]
- G. De Poli, F. Avanzini, A. Rodà, L. Mion, G. DInca', C. Trestino, D. Pirro', A. Luciani, and N. Castagne. Towards a multi-layer architecture for multi-modal rendering of expressive actions, Proc. Int. Conf. on Enactive Interfaces (ENACTIVE05), Genova, Sept. 2005, pp. 110-115 [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, S. Maratea, and C. Drioli. Physiological control of low-dimensional glottal models with applications to voice source parameter matching, Proc. Int. Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (MAVEBA'05), Firenze, Oct. 2005 [pdf]
Conference papers - 2004
- F. Avanzini and D. Rocchesso. Physical Modeling of Impacts: Theory and Experiments on Contact Time and Spectral Centroid, Proc. Int. Conf. on Sound and Music Computing (SMC'04), Paris, Oct. 2004, pp. 287-293. [pdf]
- F. Fontana, F. Avanzini, and D. Rocchesso. Computation of nonlinear filter networks containing delay-free paths, in Proc. Int. Conf. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-04), Naples, 2004, pp. 113-118. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, D. Rocchesso, and S. Serafin. Friction sounds for sensory substitution, Proc. Int. Conf. Auditory Display (ICAD04), Sydney, July 2004. [pdf]
- D. Rocchesso, F. Avanzini, M. Rath, R. Bresin, and S. Serafin. Contact sounds for continuous feedback, Proc. Int. Workshop on Interactive Sonification, Bielefeld, 2004. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2003
- C. Drioli and F. Avanzini. Non-modal voice synthesis by low-dimensional physical models, Proc. Int. Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (MAVEBA'03), Firenze, Dec. 2003. [pdf]
- S. Serafin, F. Avanzini, and D. Rocchesso. Bowed string simulation using an elasto-plastic friction model, Proc. Stockholm Music Acoustics Conf. (SMAC 2003), pages 95-98, Stockholm, Aug. 2003. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, D. Rocchesso, A. Belussi, A. Dal Palu', and A. Dovier. Acqua Alta a Venezia: Design of a Urban Scale Auditory Warning System, Proc. Int. Conf. Auditory Display (ICAD03), Boston, July 2003, pp. 184-187, . [pdf]
- M Rath, F. Avanzini, N. Bernardini, G. Borin, F. Fontana, L. Ottaviani, and D. Rocchesso, An introductory catalog of computer-synthesized contact sounds, in real-time, Proc. XIV Colloquium on Musical Informatics (XIV CIM 2003), Firenze, 2003, pp. 103-108. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2002
- F. Avanzini, A. Belussi, A. Dal Palu', A. Dovier, and D. Rocchesso, Optimal Placement of Acoustic Sources in a Built-up Area using CLP(FD), Proc. APPIA-GULP-PRODE joint Conf. on Declarative Programming, Madrid, 2002. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, M. Rath, and D. Rocchesso, Physically-based Audio Rendering of contact, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo, (ICME2002), Lausanne, 2002, vol. 2, pp. 445-448. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, Efficient numerical modeling of vocal fold mechanics, Proc. Int. Conf. Forum Acusticum, Sevilla, 2002. Invited paper. [pdf]
- M. Rath, F.avanzini, and D. Rocchesso, Physically based real-time modeling of contact sounds, Proc. Int. Computer Music Conf. (ICMC'02), Goteborg, 2002, pp. 222-227. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, S. Serafin, and D. Rocchesso, Modeling Interactions Between Rubbed Dry Surfaces Using an Elasto-Plastic Friction Model, in Proc. COST-G6 Conf. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-02), Hamburg, 2002, pp. 111-116. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2001
- F. Avanzini and D. Rocchesso, Modeling Collision Sounds: Non-linear Contact Force, Proc. COST-G6 Conf. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-01), Limerick, 2001, pp. 61-66. [pdf]
- M. Kahrs and F. Avanzini, Computer Synthesis of Bird Songs and Calls, Proc. COST-G6 Conf. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-01), Limerick, 2001, pp. 23-27. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini and D. Rocchesso, Controlling Material Properties in Physical Models of Sounding Objects, Proc. Int. Computer Music Conf. (ICMC'01), La Habana, 2001. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, B. Bank, G. Borin, G. De Poli, F. Fontana and D. Rocchesso, Musical Instrument Modeling: the Case of the Piano, Proc. Int. Workshop on Current Research Directions in Comp. Mus. , Barcelona, 2001, pp. 124-133. [pdf]
- C. Drioli and F. Avanzini, A Physically-informed Model of the Glottis with Apllication to Voice Quality Assessment, Proc. Int. Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emission for Biomed. Applic. (MAVEBA'01), Firenze, 2001.
- M. van Walstjin and F. Avanzini, Determination of the Lumped Parameters of a Non-linear Clarinet Reed Oscillator Using a Finite Difference Approach, Proc. Int. Symp. Mus. Acoust. (ISMA'01), Perugia, 2001, pp. 221-224 Compressed ps draft
- F. Avanzini, C. Drioli and P. Alku, Synthesis of the Voice Source Using a Physically-informed Model of the Glottis, Proc. Int. Symp. Mus. Acoust. (ISMA'01), Perugia, 2001, pp. 31-34. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, P. Alku and M. Karjalainen, One-delayed-mass Model for Efficient Synthesis of Glottal Flow, Proc. Eurospeech Conf., Aalborg, 2001, pp. 51-54. [pdf]
Conference papers - 2000
- C. Drioli and F. Avanzini, Model-Based Synthesis and Transformation of voiced sounds, Proc. COST-G6 Conf. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-00), Verona, 2000, pp. 45-49. [pdf]
- F. Avanzini, On the use of Weighted Sample Methods in Digitizing the Clarinet Equations, Proc. Int. Computer Music Conf. (ICMC'00), Berlin, 2000, pp. 46-49. Compressed ps draft
Conference papers - 1999
- F. Avanzini, Higher Order Numerical Methods in Physical Models of Musical Instruments. A Study on the Clarinet, Proc. of the Diderot Forum on Mathematics and Music, Vienna, 1999, pp. 11-18. Compressed ps draft
Conference papers - 1998
- F. Avanzini and D. Bambusi, Stability properties in hamiltonian perturbations of resonant PDE's with symmetry: the case of NLS, in Symmetry and perturbations theory, D. Bambusi and G. Gaeta eds., Quaderni GNFM, Firenze 1998
Ph.D. Thesis
- F. Avanzini. Computational Issues in Physically-based Sound Models. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and Electronics, University of Padova (Italy), 2001.
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